
'Professional Blogger' - Not a Job Category...

...according to some German civil agency. Says the civil servant 'It's not listed in my directory, so you can't use it. Find a German word', and sends my friend Philipp away. He then came up with 'Internet author', which the civil servant was o.k. with, albeit muttering 'it's not a German word, either', and complaining that it didn't exactly fit the bill.
So the challenge is on: What is a good translation of 'blogger' or 'weblogger'? How about 'Online Chronist'? (where half of it is English again, gee.... it's hard, isn't it? Imagine the challenge for native speakers of French, who find a French expression for almost every foreign word...). Good thing, I don't blog professionally (yet), and hence am not forced to think of a suitable expression for my occupation...

//edit: I have taken a little bit too much creative freedom in putting the above civil servant's quote into his mouth. Actually, as Philipp just let me know, he hadn't really said that and in addition, the fact of it it not being a German word, was Philipp's own conclusion. Sorry for that - hope to have restored credibility :-)


At 5:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'd call a blog "eine (tägliche) Internetkolumne". That would make Phillip (sp?) an "Internetkolumnist".

At 9:59 PM, Blogger Philipp Lenssen said...

I like that. Maybe "Netzkolumnist", to go completely German :)

At 11:13 PM, Blogger renovatio06 said...

I like both solutions - and moreover: You guys being here and leaving comments :-) Seems, the 'baby' is seeing the light .


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